Poetry sale and a review

My poem “The rivers, the birchgroves, all the receding earth” will appear in Strange Horizons.

A new review of “A City on its Tentacles” (Lackington’s, #1) has appeared in Black Gate. The reviewer has very complimentary things to say:

And “A City of Its Tentacles by” Rose Lemberg was artful and brilliant. The voice and imagery are powerful and I knew this wasn’t a regular story halfway through the first paragraph when I read “…reminded [her] of baby rainworms decaying by the roadside in the spring.”

The amount of uncommonly evocative imagery reminded me of magical realism […]

I don’t want to say much about “Tentacles” other than to say it is well worth savoring and rereading, and that the evocative style is not a simple artistic choice, but a thematic one whose purpose is revealed later in the story.

I am incredibly happy that this story continues to get positive reviews.

In other news, preparations for An Alphabet of Embers Kickstarter proceed apace. I hope you’ll be as excited about this anthology as I am.

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