After Worldcon

I was at MidAmericon2 only sporadically due to childcare constraints, observance (was not there on Shabbes), and health setbacks. I did not attend any parties, and missed the Hugo Award ceremony. Still, I enjoyed the con very much and loved meeting and/or seeing many of you there. I am sorry I missed so many of you, and hope to see everyone at some future con!

The two highlights of the con for me were: finally meeting Bill Campbell of Rosarium face to face, and my own Birdverse reading. I was thrilled to have an hour slot, which allowed me to read a full first chapter of The Upholding. I also read a few pages from my Birdverse novella “Portrait…,” which is currently on submission. I am very grateful to everyone who made it to the reading; and I am so glad that many people engaged with the work and wanted to talk about mental illness and its representation in SFF.

I also found out that my Birdverse novelette “Grandmother-nai-Leylit’s Cloth of Winds” was on the Hugo longlist. It is a great honor to have a story on the longlist, especially in a year like this one; thank you very much to everyone who nominated and voted for it.


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