I am very pleased to announce that I sold “The Book of How to Live,” A Birdverse novelette, to Beneath Ceaseless Skies. “The Book of How to Live” has two protagonists, both artificers without magical ability: Efronia Lukano, an autistic woman who is a peasant (and also ace), and Atarah-nai-Rinah, a Lainish Khana woman who is writing an important book about equality. This story is set in Laina in the very early days of the Lainish revolution, before the events of Bridgers, a novel I am revising. Here is how the story is described on my Birdverse page:
Efronia Lukano is a commoner without magic who trekked across the landmass to study at the Royal University of Laina. A story about bitter academic politics, and revolution as a viable alternative to academic politics 🙂
I will write more about the inspirations for this story when it goes live. It is scheduled to appear in the 8th Anniversary Double Issue of BCS in late September.
As always, I am grateful to editor Scott H. Andrews for his work and support of my Birdverse stories, and to my readers Bogi Takács, Shweta Narayan, Jenn Smith, and Corey Alexander for their helpful comments.
I’m looking forward to sharing this story with you!