Poetry + a few other publication updates
I haven’t updated in a while – this semester has been really rough. Meanwhile, a few publication news: My poems “Divinatory” and “The Fear Tree” appeared in the inaugural issue of The Sycorax Journal. My poem “archival testimony fragments/minersong” will be reprinted in Best of Uncanny Magazine from Subterranean Press. My poem “The little mouse elder” was…
Award Eligibility Post 2017
Updated and expanded Jan 30. Dear friends, This award season, I would like you to consider only one piece for awards – the Birdverse novella A Portrait of the Desert in Personages of Power in Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Part I, Part II), and you can also listen to an absolutely epic podcast/audiobook by C.S.E. Cooney. “Portrait” is eligible as…
As I mentioned on Twitter, I have been hiding. I was in a fairly bad car accident three weeks ago, and am recovering from a concussion. I don’t know why a concussion (and as a result, losing my car) ultimately cheered me up – but I concluded that I do rather enjoy being alive, I’m…
Birdverse novella “Portrait…” is out
While I was away from the computer for a rather dramatic and unpleasant move, my Birdverse novella A Portrait of the Desert in Personages of Power became available for free at Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Part 1: http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/stories/a-portrait-of-the-desert-in-personages-of-power-pt-i/ Part 2: http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/stories/a-portrait-of-the-desert-in-personages-of-power-pt-ii/ A 5-hour long EPIC audiobook/podcast narrated by the indomitable CSE Cooney: http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/audio/bcs-200-a-portrait-of-the-desert-in-personages-of-power/ This is one of the best…
“Portrait…” is going to be an AUDIOBOOK!!
I have wonderful news to share with you today. As I have already written here, “A Portrait of the Desert in Personages of Power,” the Birdverse origin novella of queer/trans supermages, consent, power exchange, and giant flaming birds, will be published by Beneath Ceaseless Skies. We now have publication dates: the first part will appear on 7/6/2017,…
Birdverse Podcast!
On the Birdverse Patreon, I have been experimenting with new stretch goals. The first of those is the Birdverse podcast, in which I will answer questions from readers (patrons get priority in the queue, but all are welcome to ask questions)! Once we reach $150 a month, the podcast will become a free, monthly feature.…
Reviews and thoughts, March edition
ICFA concluded today. I was not there, but hope to be next year. I heard it was a great con, and I heard that my poetry book Marginalia to Stone Bird was mentioned, as a Crawford finalist. Still really honored by this. I do not know if the timing was accidental or not, but Ada Hoffmann featured…